A Bunch of Lunatics
We call them unusual, who go against the traditional stream. We think living 'healthy' means to take birth, earn, living a good life and to die. And those who do the exception are 'sick'. Those who listen to their mind, who do not follow the rules made by the society, walk on the path of their own, live freely, dream freely; we call their behavior 'madness' and we use the adjective for them - "crazy".
Bhromor is made and designed to bind these innumerable exception minded innocents creative crazy people in one roof, one name and one goal. Because these crazy young stars are like the bees (Bhromor). Randomly they do their own duties in their own way. They can not be stopped, they can not be tied. They are buzzing with their own rhythm.
A group of roasted bees (Bhromor) can take a devastating forms to break the mean boundary made by the society. That's our unity, that's our strength, that's our home.
We are n not only limited to restriction of service, our efforts are sowing the seeds of socialization among the youth of the society. We are engaged to make an ocean with dropslets. In addition to social service, we have been following the vow to maintain the social work equally in the society. May this society become more beautiful.
May everyone get proper education, food, clothing and may their lives become filled with piece, joy and love. We all wish that nobody ever has to starve. So, on the path of our struggle, on the path of our work, we sing - "Spread happiness with spontaneity..."